let's warm up our brain with sounds last
lesson you learned a bunch of sounds so
we are just going to review and go
through them quickly
if you need some more support please ask
someone for some extra help on those
confusing sounds
I'm going to show you a letter and you
are going to say the sound that
represents it
all right here we go
thank you
nice job now we are going to add some
sounds to our memory bank this lesson we
are going to learn the sounds of H and j
h is a more breathy sound whereas J is a
voiced sound that means if you put your
hand on your throat and you say some
sounds it might vibrate so if you say
the sound from Z like Z
you're going to feel your voice vibrate
whereas you say the S sound
nothing happens J is a voiced sound
J and G often get confused let's look at
the different ways we say the sounds for
J and G
so G we already know
it is in the back of our throat
and the back of our tongue closes off
our Airway making that g sound
I visualize the circle as the mouth and
the loop of the G as an arrow pointing
to the back of my throat
the J is actually in the front of our
you form a narrow space in the middle of
your mouth with your tongue and say J
kind of looks like a fish hook to me
I think of a fish with a hook in its
mouth to remember to keep that sound to
the front
I hope that helps next we have the
letter H
requires our breath to flow out of our
open mouth saying
like in hot or hairy
beautiful keep practicing your sounds
you're doing great