now that we know why we should be
explicitly teaching social emotional
skills we can talk about practical steps
to enhance emotional development the
first step is mindfulness practice
incorporate mindfulness activities to
stay present and manage impulsivity
mindfulness can be a game changer for
emotional well-being there are a variety
of apps and things to help get started
here another way to help encourage them
to work through big feelings would be
journaling encourage the practice of
journaling to express thoughts and
emotions some personality types love
journaling and some despise it some
prefer an art Journal meet them where
they're at offering a free space to
express themselves in a safe environment
this can be a therapeutic outlet for
processing feelings clly explicitly
teach key concepts of social awareness
skills like circle of control zones of
Regulation big problem versus small
problem good versus bad attention the
social filter and more by doing this you
are concretely giving them options of
what they can do instead of what they
can't you're not alone Follow Little hux
Learners subscribe there is a whole
social emotional playlist series of
videos to help you get started good luck
and thanks for