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Episode 6: The Power of Dreaming: Unlocking Your Potential

Writer's picture: Mikaela OrozcoMikaela Orozco

are you ready for an exciting Adventure in your imagination let's take a trip inside our minds imagine a vast ocean and picture yourself as the captain of a magnificent ship and guess what your friends and loved ones are sailing nearby on their own ships sometimes following on your path sometimes for a short period of time and sometimes for longer it just depends for safety we have parents and teachers and other adults that help navigate kids boats but the more experience you gain more Independence[Music]as you sail through life or in this case on your ship your brain is busy making connections and learning all sorts of things it learns from both good and bad experiences figures out how to problem solve gains new skills and so much more do you often see pictures in your mind or Daydream when you are feeling bored I certainly do sometimes people around us might think we're not paying attention or we're lost in our own world maybe that's how you feel sometimes too but let me tell you something that goes against what you've been told about daydreaming it's actually good for everyone we just can't do it all the time most of our day needs to be filled with action and doing things however when we have a chance to take a break from listening or doing tasks that might not be so fun why not let our imagination run wild now if daydreaming is good but not good all the time when should we do it we can set aside about five to ten minutes each day for daydreaming somedays you might need more time and other days less you can give yourself that flexibility why is it important to dream while dreaming leads to creating and inventing when you create and invent things you take action that action leads to progress and whatever you're interested in whether it's art music dance engineering storytelling or coming up with business ideas the more you create and solve problems the closer you get to your goals dreaming also gives your brain a chance to rest and recharge it helps you overcome challenges and frustrations you know what it even makes the boring and uninteresting things a little more bearable there's always something to work on even if that something is doing things you don't particularly enjoy it's like being kind to your brain while still accomplishing your daily tasks and overcoming any obstacles that come your way dreaming is also a fantastic tool for setting and achieving goals big or small if you're unsure about something visualizing it can help you problem solve and if you still don't have the answer at least you'll come up with good questions to ask which will help you reach your goals more successfully so while daydreaming is important we need to find a suitable time during the day for it it's probably not the best idea to daydream during a big test right we should also allow ourselves and others to take dreaming breaks from time to time now tell me what's on your mind it's your dream not mine[Music] English (auto-generated)


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