Have you ever wondered the rule for when
to use C or k
let's learn the cat and kite rule
when we hear in the beginning position
we have to figure out the vowel that
follows and comes after it
let's draw a picture to help us remember
grab a sheet of paper and a writing
utensil and split the paper in half
on one side draw Big C and on the other
a big k
let's start with the c for cat rule
looking at the vowel that follows it C
likes vowels a o and u
now you can finish your whiskers and
your ears to create your adorable little
this shows up in the words like cat cob
and cup
okay now let's look at K the kite rule
first create the outline of your kite
using the outside of your k
you're going to create a diamond
now let's look at how you spell kite
we have already used K now let's use
that t we're going to make a big
lowercase T in the middle of our kite
now what vowels are left over in the
word kite
you're right I and E
K loves i and e it also likes y but that
will come up later
for now it can be the tail of your kite
just save it in your memory bank
some examples of these words are kid and
great job let's go practice