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Letting go of CONTROL KIDS- Secrets of a Growth Mindset: Episode 4!

Writer's picture: Mikaela OrozcoMikaela Orozco

Do you ever feel like your body has too

much energy but you're forced to do

something boring or your mind is racing

but your body doesn't want to move

just know your brain and body both need

exercise what does this mean

the average kid needs about 60 Minutes

of physical activity a day

even 10 jumping jacks outside is a good

start or try grabbing a group of friends

to play basketball

let's put down those screens let's have

some outdoor fun with human interaction

for everyone

did you know that there have been

studies done on the power of positive

versus negative language when talking to

a plant

the one that is in a more positive happy

and calm environment thrives a lot more

same with our brains there are a lot of

hate and people out there who are

wanting misery as their friend

with mindfulness you can become aware of

that and protect your light and energy

only surround yourself by those who

protect your light and distance yourself

from anyone trying to dim it

when you are mindful you can become

aware of your emotions and how you react

in response to those triggers

when this happens you can help others

become more mindful as well

when you are able to ease your mind body

and spirit accept your mistakes forgive

yourself and move forward you will be

able to sleep better and overall

function better

one area that a lot of people struggle

with is control let's visualize a large

Circle and then a smaller circle inside

on the inside circle is everything you

can control and on the outside is

everything you can't control

here are some examples

we can't control other people's emotions

we can control how we treat others

we can't control how other people treat

us we can control how we react we can't

control if we have to leave and be

somewhere at a certain time

we can control which shoes and maybe the

outfit we can wear

well most of the time with some

flexibility of special events of course

try and think of things that make you

feel completely and utterly out of


what part of that can you control and

what part can't you control

let's brainstorm


now that you have brainstormed let's try

a meditation of positive affirmations

start by finding a quiet and comfortable

spot to sit or lie down

we're going to close your eyes and take

a deep breath in and then slowly let it



words have power

so we are going to practice

small chunks of our day to talk nicely

to our brain

now let's say some positive affirmations

to help you feel happy and confident

repeat after me

I am kind

I am strong

I am brave

now take a deep breath in

and let it out slowly



all the love and positivity filling your

body and making you feel happy calm

and ready to learn

remember you are special and wonderful

Just the Way You Are

going to make mistakes and that's okay

when you're ready open your eyes and

take a moment to feel grateful for all

the good things in your life

when you are in this calm space it means

you are in the green zone and green zone

means your brain is at its most optimal

to be curious be a flexible learner and

friend and overall grow

you need both physical and mental

exercise every day every moment is a

learning experience you got this go read

or listen to an audiobook go explore and

be the Curious version of yourself just

remember to be safe be kind and align

your behaviors with your values


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