HELLO! I'm excited to introduce you to a new superhero this superhero is for your brain and will defeat those Unthinkable
thoughts that come up in your brain meet superflex and the unthinkables the unthinkables are things we have to
defeat so we have a flexible brain in any situation first we have Rock brain Rock brain usually appears when we are learning a
new skill he tells our brain we can't do it when Rock brain is there it's true the skill will be harder to learn and thus be more frustrating shucks with superflex we can defeat him by giving ourselves Grace when learning a new skill and learning to advocate for ourselves when we are being taught in a way that we just aren't getting making mistakes in life is expected and respected superflex understands this is the only way to get a stronger brain by practicing making those mistakes and learning and growing from them superflex can defeat that can't do attitude any day you can do it you might just need a little more time or a different approach to learning that skill next we have Glassman what does glass do when we drop it or smash it
it breaks and it's hard to put back
that is like our friendships and play
time if everyone is having fun and you
have a big unexpected reaction to
something that can ruin everyone's fun
and you can become a glass man
superflex is very mindful in these
situations and is aware of small versus
big problems when there is a small
problem we can sort it out with our
words compromise and take turns
when someone starts to become unsafe
that is a bigger problem that could use
an adult to help at any time superflex
knows he may need an adult to help work
through those problems this helps
everyone stay having fun
the last Unthinkable that we are going
to talk about is energy Harry energy
Harry is in the yellow zone and is kind
of unexpected energy Harry is fun when
we are outside or playing a fun game
with friends it is unexpected to have a
lot of energy when we are trying to
learn or be in a quiet place
superflex knows this can be hard to keep
our bodies and brains calm and quiet
especially when we are bored out of our
minds but truth is there are a lot of
boring Parts about life and a lot of
really exciting ones
superflex knows this can be super hard
to keep our bodies and brain calm and
quiet it's especially when you have the
Wiggles one thing you could do is hug
yourself and you could squeeze your arms
you could squeeze your legs
this is something you can do sitting
you can also push on a table
by putting your hands on top of it and
applying pressure
another thing you can do is just to
Simply ask to stand
while someone is talking
awesome job I'm so proud of you for
learning how to work through our
emotions keep practicing and if you make
a mistake it's okay just remember to be
safe be kind and keep learning from your mistakes!