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Unlock Your Child's Potential with Brain Dance, Phonics, and Story Time! | LHL Preschool Episode 2

Writer's picture: Mikaela OrozcoMikaela Orozco

let's do a fun dance about caterpillars

first we have to become one


are you ready

hello Mr caterpillar and Jane and Jean

hello Mr caterpillar crunching crunching

hello Mr caterpillar Boppity Bop hello

Mr caterpillar reach up to the top hello

Mr caterpillar make a cocoon

hello Mr caterpillar come out soon

hello butterfly flappy flappy hello

butterfly flap your wings

hello butterfly you are beautiful hello

butterfly let's go for a stroll

all right let's get out our wings

and we're gonna fly around


a beautiful blue butterfly what color

are you

wow that's an awesome color

all right let's fly around

flying butterfly flying flying flying

butterfly fly flying around

oh no it's starting to rain

it's raining outside

raining raining it's raining outside

Drip Drop

we have to go somewhere safe I see a

leaf we can go under for shelter

Heidi butterfly hiding under Heidi

butterfly let's see if it's safe

I see the sun has come out let's get out

our beautiful Wings again and fly around

are you ready

flying butterfly fly flying flying

flying butterfly you are beautiful

wow that was such a fun adventure let's

give ourselves a big hug

now let's wake up our bodies

squeeze your arms

squeeze your legs

squeeze your feet now say wake up feet

and Pat your feet wake up legs wake up

belly wake up head now brush away all

those bad thoughts from your brain we're

gonna brush away all the things that dim

your light brush brush brush

awesome job

now let's put our legs in front of us

and paint our toes a fun color I'm going

to do green what are you going to do

oh I love that color now we are going to

take our beautifully pointed and painted

toes and draw a line in the sky


now try the other leg


wow I love all the colors I'm seeing now

let's draw a circle

try with the other leg

beautiful let's try to paint our letter

of the day it is f we are going to paint

it in the sky

it has three lines

watch me first and then we will do it


I'm going to pick up my foot hold and go

line down frog jump back up to where I

started draw a line out baby frog jump

down to the middle of the line and out

now you try

pick up your leg and draw a line down

frog jump back up then you draw a line

out baby frog jump to the middle and out

wow not only did you learn how to make

an F you were practicing strengthening

those leg muscles good job

now let's talk about this f f says

like in frog and fall

that's when school starts and fall

f is a voiceless sound

what does a voiceless sound

well all letters have sounds and some

are voiceless and some are voiced let's

grow our brains learning about how we

can make these sounds everyone take your

hand and put it on your throat

now say the sound of s

like an snake


did you feel anything in your throat


no all right now say Z like in Zebra

z did you feel some vibration yes that

is a voiced sound

there are these things called vocal

cords inside your throat and they are


I like to think that they are like two

rubber bands and they're very tight and

they're either touching when they

vibrate or they don't when we make

certain sounds f is a sound that does

not vibrate can you find all the letters

that look like our letter f

yes these ones very good in order to

make the

F sound all that is required is to rest

your front teeth lightly on your bottom

lip and blow the sound is a voiceless

sound like we talked about

let's try

very good

which of these pictures starts with that

sound is it frog or dog

frog very good

frog and dog also rhyme

which of these pictures starts with


is it fog or



fog very good nice job hey frog and fog

are very similar words the r is just

missing in one of them that's so fun to

play with words and create new ones now

it's time to practice writing the letter


Handwriting Without Tears taught me that

the best way to make an F is to

visualize and maybe even practice with a

box I am going to start in the corner of

this box and draw a line straight down

to the end of the box

then I'm going to frog jump back to my

starting point and make a line straight

out using the top line of the box as a


then to finish I'm going to baby frog

jump to the middle of the line and draw

a line straight out meaning the end of

the box no you try you're going to start

at the corner of the box

draw a line down

frog jump back up to the starting point

draw a line straight out to the end of

the box

baby frog jump to the middle of the line

and draw a straight line out to the end

of the box

great job you just made a capital f very


that was spectacular

it's now time for Story Time with Miss


today baklavon Huck take a stroll

through a park let's see what they see

once upon a time it'll land so bright

lived a boy named Huck with his dog

baklava what a sight

they were best friends always ready to


on thrilling Adventures they didn't bark

and much more

one sunny day while strolling through

the park Hawk and baklava heard a sound

quite a lark

they followed the noise with curious

Glee and discovered caterpillars as far

as the eye could see

one two three look at them wiggle tiny

caterpillars munching on leaves oh so


Huck counted aloud with a grin so wide

while baklava wagged his tail full of

joy inside

Huck and baklava watched them squirm and

crawl dreaming of the day when they'd

transformed Standing Tall they knew that

caterpillars with time would grow and

become beautiful butterflies ready to


every day hak and baklava returned to

the place to visit their caterpillar

friends at their own pace they learned

about nature counting one by one and the

magic of change that couldn't be undone

as the days went by the caterpillars

spun silk threads creating cozy

chrysalises like tiny silvery beds

Huck and baklava waited so patient and

kind for the day when their friends

would leave the Chrysalis behind

and then one morning the sun shining so

bright Huck and baklava saw a wondrous

sight the chrysalises began to crack and

break emerging from within butterflies

did take

red orange yellow and blue butterflies

of every color a mesmerizing View

baklava cheered and clapped with Glee as

the butterflies danced fluttering so


hand in hand Hawk and baklavon joined

the fun running through the meadow

Beneath The Shining Sun counting

butterflies as they flew up high one two

three and more painting the sky

their Adventures continued with

butterflies by their side as Huck and

baklava explored feeling endless Pride

learning about nature and the Wonders it

can bring with love and friendship their

hearts would always sing

and so dear children remember this tale

of Huck and baklava a friendship that

will never fail

count caterpillars and Chase butterflies

too discover the world just like they do

the end

thanks for joining class today and

growing your brain you are strong you

are kind and you are wise

see you next time and don't forget to



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