welcome to learning and growing your
brain with reading this video we are
going to talk about closed syllables
what is a syllable
a syllable is a word having one vowel
sound with or without surrounding
consonants forming the whole or a part
of a word
whoa whoa whoa what let's back up
every syllable has a vowel in it
do you remember your vowels and
vowels are a e i o u and consonants are
well all the other letters
let's look at the word mop
mop has a short ah sound because it's
closed off with that P
let's add a silent e to the end and now
it's going to change to mope
and now we can even create a
two-syllable word by just adding a d to
make Mo ped
the syllable type tells us which vowel
sound to use we are going to focus on
the short vowel sound in our closed
syllable pattern
you might see our teacher write this
symbol above your word or even on your
this is to signal to your brain hey use
the short sound
all right let's look at the word map in
a syllable we find the vowel and then
you look at what comes after it
if it is closed off with a consonant
then the syllable has a short vowel
sound it is a closed syllable
all right let's get to practicing some
closed syllable words